Come Baaaaack!

Monday, November 20, 2006

I am THISCLOSE to being home for thanksgiving... pardon the urgency?

Yes, I did make a YouTube video out of a time lapse of me playing on my computer for an hour. I used this program to make it, after spending a few hours downloading freeware from that site (some other favorites: Burn, Bullet, Name that iTune, Sidenote, and Check Off--if you have a mac I strongly encourage you look into them). I also have two other videos up, but feel free to never ever look at them. I'll take them down as soon as I have some other interesting things made. (Me + my little sister + a cat + my video camer may well lead to madness.)

Earlier today, I added up the time commitment of my television shows, and, if I count half-hour networks as 20 minutes and hour networks as 40, I've got 6 1/3 hours of television every day. If I spent those hours at computer work, I'd have an extra 47 dollars a week, which might well cover my buying tshirts online habit, if not my other clothing or electronics. But no, why do something practical like that? Also, as a trainee, the max I can do is like 5 hours a week, which I well and covered this past one. (I also did 8 hours for the theater department, which needed a few extra hands what with two major shows going up. Yeah money.)

Don't think I don't know that it's 5:42 in the morning. I can't sleep. I'll probably just wander over to the gym as soon as it opens and make myself tired, if you know what I mean. I didn't exercise all last week, because of laziness and rain (I have Rain Affective Disorder or something, swear to god) and my weight is going up and I have to go to the doctor over break and what if I'm really high and mom makes me go back to fat camp? (let the record show that it will never, ever be fully my decision to go back. Even if I tell you so, I'll still be bitterly contemplating what I could get done in New York. It's stress, man, and the rain.)

Ooh! I forgot the key point of this post, which was: LESBIAN ANIME. Fansubbed. On YouTube. Involving some sort of boarding school/lesbian cult with an abnormal number of women with shortish blue hair. That one who rides horses is my favorite, but I also like Etolie-sama. That other one, though, Kenjou? Is a rapist, and I wish someone would bring that up. Because she's a creepy evil rapist who keeps trying to hurt little Hikari-chan and her stupid girlfriend just stands behind her and nods and takes baths with her while plotting evilly. And still they're on student council! what kind of a world is this? There are so many tricky issues of consent in this, actually--in the early episodes, Shizuma kind of has a mesmerizing effect on Nagisa, and like Nagisa couldn't move, so who knows if Nagisa actually wanted to kiss her? (She did. but what if she hadn't?) Also, the best friend character is a creepy stalker, and you will never convince me otherwise, show, no matter how sympathetic you try to make her.

Nobody cared about that paragraph, and I humbly apologize. Gomen, or whatever.

(Oh, man, I had the intensest dream last night about Power Rangers, in a seedy motel in Brookyln, and Jason refused to come out until Tommy/Billy (they were the same person?) tricked him, and they were happier for it, except Tommy/Billy wanted to maintain their independence, but no matter who they hit on they ended up in Jason's bed. There were also female counterparts, but the males were more vivid, and my dad was there, but not being gay? Once I had a dream where dad was gay and he had a beautiful sterile apartment full of antiques and art, and Le and I visited like once a week. That's neither here nor there.)

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