Come Baaaaack!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


I am early for my rehearsal. For some reason I read 8 o'clock as 7 o'clock, but for some other reason I also decided to bring my bible, my guide to reading the bible properly, and my laptop, so I'm set for like ever. The bible, you see, is pretty much my homework, or part of it, every night, as I have two religion classes that focus on Judeo-Christianity and on interpretations of the Bible specificially. I am disproportionately pleased by it, despite the small text and long geneologies and repetitive stories and constant reminders of how poorly I uphold my covenant with YHWH. After all, "Literary and religious traditions from the pre-exilic period are radically transformed in this exilic and post-exilic period as the people shape a social and religious identity that distinguishes them cuturally and ideologically from their neighbors." Am I right? Ey, ey?

My professors are quite the bunch. My first professor I saw this year was a surprisingly un-ugly young lady (she can't be much over 30, I'd say) who teaches me Modern Christian Thought. She's very smart and makes me think very hard. Later, I see lord Voldemort. Seriously, my Social Psych professor has the bald head, snake-like features, and general creepiness of Ralph Fiennes in the 4th HP movie. He is, however, an engaging professor and whatnot, so I don't really mind. The next day I start with I have a kindly balding fellow who over-uses the word "extraordinary" and does that old Jewish person thing of occasionally slipping into a Jewish language, but with formal ancient Hebrew instead of bastardized yiddish. After him I see a unremarkable middle-aged man, sort of fat and pseudo-jolly, who repeats to me concepts I learned in high-school Astronomy. Then I have fitness, which means "running around a track and then walking after one lap because I have particularly unhappy lungs."

My stage managing duties are almost as fulfilling as finishing my reading assignments is. I get to sit and watch people act, correct them on their lines, moderate discussions between various behind-the-scenes folks who don't particularly agree with each other's visions, and generally feel very powerful and dominant in a very non-agressive or active way. I also am trying to take on more Second Stage-ly responsibilities (though this is harder with our bloated staff), and of course I applied for a couple other jobs, which, if I don't get them, you will never hear of again.

But do I have anything _interesting_ to say? This is basically an update post, a letter I would write to my mom if I didn't have a cell phone, AIM, and e-mail with which to live-update my life to her. I should analyze something, or make some sort of joke. God, this is so much pressure.

Okay, an observance: I've been realizing, more and more, how firm a grasp of my identity I have. I mean, obviously, I've been obsessing about who I am for ages, and write epic analyses and fill out countless memes (I actually fill out of a lot of them and don't post them anywhere because I guarantee you that you don't care) and go to a lot of therapy and fill out profiles on various social networking sites, but I never thought I'd actually have a consistent and entrenched point of view, like I'm pretty sure I do (rhymez). I wonder if all the navel-gazing lead to this stability of image, or if it was an obstacle that I've only recently overcome in order to start understanding. Also, am I a chicken or an egg? And when I fall in a forest, and nobody hears me, am I still singing Disney songs?